Idaho Grant Resources

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The brilliant writer and adventurer Ernest Hemingway spent lots of time in Spain, Cuba and Florida, but do you know where he’s buried? Ketchum, Idaho! How many people would have thought to look there? Here’s another research-based challenge: Where do you look to find grant funding?

Right here! Check out our list of Idaho Funding Sources below for a list of the top giving foundations and corporations that provide grants within the state.

The next step on the grant search is to figure out which funders will support your type of organization and how to approach them. Need help with that? Come join our 5-day Grantsmanship Training Program to learn the details.

It’s a fast-paced and inspiring workshop, packed with the skills-training and guidance you need to write exceptional grant proposals. The ability to stand out is key, as submitting funding applications is a very competitive process. Our high-caliber training often puts you in front of the pack.

Here are three more steps for preparing outstanding proposals!

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Questions? Contact: Gail Brauner: (213) 482-9860 X1




Government offices:

Senator Mike Crapo - (202) 224-6142 Washington, D.C.

Senator James Risch - (202)  224-2752 Washington, D.C.

Attorney General Lawrence Wasden - (208) 334-2400 Boise, ID

The AG’s Office has published Service on an Idaho Nonprofit Board of Directors, which is available by clicking the link.

The Idaho Commission on the Arts - Has funding opportunities for individuals, educators, schools, units of government, and nonprofit organizations conducting arts programs for the public.

If you’d like to know the names and addresses of other elected officials that represent you and your area, click here to locate them: Official Website of the State of Idaho.


Other helpful organizations:

Looking for funding sources close to home? Need help with operating challenges or starting a new nonprofit agency? Check out the Idaho Community Foundation! They have three offices in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls, and offer grant opportunities for nonprofits in each of Idaho’s 44 counties, including Ada, Canyon, Kootenai, Bonneville, Bannock, Twin Falls, Bingham, Bonner, Nez Perce and Latah.

Idaho Nonprofit Center - Based in Boise, INC represents the interests of the state’s 6,000+ registered charitable nonprofit organizations and serves as a broker of information and a bridge between the nonprofit, for-profit and government sectors. INC is an association of forward-looking nonprofit leaders who come together to share knowledge, solve problems, pursue common interests, and serve the public good. Their website lists several funding sources at the national and regional level that make grants within Idaho.

Association of Fundraising Professionals - Idaho Chapter - A statewide, membership-based, nonprofit organization that encourages a culture of philanthropy in Idaho by providing fundraising professional education opportunities and networking in a supportive environment.

Fractured Atlas - Idaho - Helps artists and arts organizations function more effectively as businesses by providing access to funding, healthcare, education, and more, all in a context that honors their individuality and independent spirit.

The Portneuf Health Trust - Based in Pocatello, the Trust was created to strengthen and improve access to quality medical services, along with the delivery of wellness and prevention programs in Southeastern Idaho through its grantmaking activities. Cities supported include American Falls, Blackfoot, Downey, Fort Hall, Grace, Lava Hot Springs, Malad, Montpelier, Preston, and Soda Springs. Counties include Bannock, Caribou, Franklin and Oneida.

United Way of Idaho Falls and Bonneville County - Fighting for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Bonneville, Clark, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, and Teton Counties by providing funding, partnerships and other types of support.

United Way of Treasure Valley - Based in Boise and sharing the national agenda of health, education and financial stability, UWTV awards grants to support specific programs at local nonprofits in the cities of Meridian, Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian and Star.

United Way of Southeastern Idaho - Based in Pocatello, UWSI helps to strengthen the community in a number of ways, including investing locally-donated dollars in local special initiatives that affect positive change in the seven southeastern-most counties of Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Caribou, Franklin, Oneida, Power and the Fort Hall Indian Reservation.

United Way of South Central Idaho - Based in Twin Falls, UWSCI works to help all of its community members have a better life, including a quality education, financial stability, and good health. They convene the people and organizations necessary to create solutions to challenging problems, and provide funding for vital projects and programs. Counties served include Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Twin Falls.

United Way of North Idaho - From its offices in Coeur d'Alene, UNWI joins other United Way chapters in addressing community needs in terms of health, education and financial stability. To better support local nonprofit agencies and volunteers working in these areas, UNWI has partnered with the Coeur d'Alene Public Library to offer a Nonprofit Resource Center. Experts provide guidance and training in nonprofit management, capacity building, and sustainability. Counties served include Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Shoshone.

Twin Counties United Way - Based in Lewiston on Idaho’s western border with Washington state, TCUW’s mission is to identify community needs, unite people and provide funds for education, financial and health projects that improve lives in the Nez Perce and Asotin counties.

University of Idaho Student Volunteer Center - Located on the Moscow-based campus of the University, the Center promotes emotional and social awareness growth of its students by coordinating their volunteer service at local nonprofit organizations.

YWCA of Lewiston and Clarkston - The YWCA of Lewiston and Clarkston is dedicated to empowering women, eliminating racism, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. It is committed to building a strong community by actively promoting the value of diversity and the right to a life free from violence, poverty, and oppression. YWCA focuses its mission-driven work on racial justice and civil rights, empowerment and economic advancement, and  health and safety to improve the lives of girls and women:


Let's Talk About the Problem, Part 1

The heart of program planning is problem analysis. Problem analysis includes the definition of the problem along with why it is happening. As you design a program, clear analysis of the problem leads logically to the outcomes (objectives) of the program. And understanding the causes of the problem gives direction for the approach (methods).

Do Not Fear Outcomes

The whole purpose of community programs is to make a change for the better. How much better? That is the Outcome or the measurable result of your work. However, sometimes talking about the results or outcomes of your program can make people nervous. “How well did we do? I’m afraid to ask.”

Supplement vs. Supplant

One of the keys to successful grant proposal writing is understanding the vocabulary used. You’ll avoid problems down the road if you fully understand the funder’s requirements from the outset. Case in point: we’ve heard of confusion about the terms supplement and supplant. They sound similar but have very different meanings.

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