Employee Evaluation
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Because of the frequently intangible nature of nonprofit work, job performance can be difficult to appraise.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Because of the frequently intangible nature of nonprofit work, job performance can be difficult to appraise.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Figuring out what to pay an organization's top executive is one of the biggest challenges facing any board of directors. The National Center for Nonprofit Boards offers some guidelines for carrying out the process.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Good publicity is a key to gaining support for your cause, bolstering membership, even raising more money. But too many nonprofits fail to make the most of their publicity opportunities--or fail to recognize an opportunity when it comes along.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - If the members of an organization's board are geographically dispersed, they may have trouble working together cohesively. Technology consultant Corinne Waldenmayer shows how to solve this problem by using a variety of electronic tools and resources.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - For many in the nonprofit sector, borrowing carries with it an undeserved stigma-it's seen as a sign of poor management. Yet most for-profit businesses would flounder if they couldn't borrow to stabilize cash flow.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - What are the best capacity-building techniques for grassroots groups? To find out, the Environmental Support Center interviewed a number of technical-assistance providers as well as representatives of the organizations that use their services.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - For several decades, big business has used a management tool known as "benchmarking" to measure performance, motivate employees, and build profits. Now the nonprofit sector is adapting this technique to meet its own needs and to fit its own culture.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - More and more grantmakers are demanding program evaluations as a condition of funding. Management consultant Carter McNamara lays out a framework for conducting these evaluations, and he charts the various methods available for gathering valuable data.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Just because an organization does good work, it doesn't necessarily qualify for tax-exempt charitable status. Nor does it have to incorporate.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Every fundraising professional knows how to write a thank-you note, but even seasoned veterans botch letters of apology. Susan Sarver describes what works-and what doesn't-when it comes to saying you're sorry.