Texas Grant Resources

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Just like the state itself, the Texas nonprofit sector is diverse, expansive, and embedded in local context. According to the OneStar Foundation, Texas boasts over 100,000 nonprofits registered with the IRS (excluding many congregations, grassroots, and community groups), making the Texas nonprofit workforce the 5th largest in the nation.

This doesn’t mean, however, that nonprofit grant resources are distributed equally throughout the Lone Star State—there is a significant need to expand access to nonprofit funding and capacity building in many underserved regions. So if you’re looking for Texas nonprofit funding it doesn’t matter if you’re from Houston, El Paso, Corpus Christi, Dallas, or another Texas locale- we’ve got you covered. Want to know more about how to win funding in Texas? We suggest starting with the following steps.

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Because Texas is so large, many nonprofit funding sources are geographically clustered. This means that many nonprofits face limited access to grant funding information, even though grant opportunities exist in abundance. So if you’ve been wondering how to get grants in Texas, you’re in the right place! Whether you’re in Austin, Brownsville, Plano, Fort Worth, or another Texas city— the following resources will help you find the nonprofit funding you’re looking for.

One of the most influential state organizations is the Texas Association of Nonprofits (TANO), whose mission “is to connect, strengthen, and support the nonprofit community for the public good of Texas.” If you’re looking for government nonprofit grants, start by Finding Your Representative and visiting their website for a list of federal government grants relevant to Texas nonprofits.

Another great resource is the United Ways of Texas, which has locations and community funding grants available throughout the state. Below you’ll find an additional list of helpful Texas nonprofit resources. If you know of a resource we may have missed, reach out and let us know!


Statewide Grant Resources

Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations (TANO)

United Ways of Texas

Texas Association of Regional Councils

OneStar Foundation


Texas Foundations Fund

Texas Commission on the Arts

Texas Economic Development Capital Access Program

Texas Health and Human Services Grants

Find Your Representative

Texas Veterans Commission

Texas Nonprofits

Texas E-Grants Grant Search

Texas Association of Community Development Corporations

The Meadows Foundation

Texas Connects - A Nonprofit Funding Database from UT Dallas

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Funding Opportunities

Texas Department of State Health Services Grant Finding Resources

Philanthropy Southwest

Humanities Texas Grants


Central & Southeast Texas (San Antonio, Houston, Austin, Brownsville) Grant Resources

Southeast Texas Nonprofit Development Center

United Way Nonprofit Connection

Texas Grants Resource Center (TGRC)

Executive Service Corps of Houston

San Antonio Area Foundation

The Center for Nonprofit Studies at Austin Community College

Texas CBAR

Mission Capital

Waco Foundation

Foundation for Southeast Texas

The Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country

McLennan County Nonprofit Resources

Austin Community Foundation

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Nonprofit Resource Center


North & East Texas (Dallas/Fort Worth) Grant Resources

CNM Connect

Dallas Foundation

Communities Foundation of Texas

East Texas Center for Nonprofits

Amarillo Area Foundation

East Texas Communities Foundation

Dallas Women’s Foundation

Community Foundation of Abilene

North Texas GLBT Chamber of Commerce

The Nonprofit Center of Texoma

Community Council

Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation

North Texas Community Foundation


El Paso/Midland/West Texas Grant Resources

Nonprofit Management Center

The Community Foundation of West Texas

King Foundation

Paso Del Norte Health Foundation

West Texas Rural Philanthropy Days (WTXRPD)

El Paso Community Foundation

Hunt Family Foundation

El Paso Collaborative for Community and Economic Development


Let's Talk About the Problem, Part 1

The heart of program planning is problem analysis. Problem analysis includes the definition of the problem along with why it is happening. As you design a program, clear analysis of the problem leads logically to the outcomes (objectives) of the program. And understanding the causes of the problem gives direction for the approach (methods).

Do Not Fear Outcomes

The whole purpose of community programs is to make a change for the better. How much better? That is the Outcome or the measurable result of your work. However, sometimes talking about the results or outcomes of your program can make people nervous. “How well did we do? I’m afraid to ask.”

Supplement vs. Supplant

One of the keys to successful grant proposal writing is understanding the vocabulary used. You’ll avoid problems down the road if you fully understand the funder’s requirements from the outset. Case in point: we’ve heard of confusion about the terms supplement and supplant. They sound similar but have very different meanings.

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