Colorado Grant Resources

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If you’re looking for a sparkling diamond mine in the U.S., you’re most likely to find it right here in Colorado! In fact, the Stateline Kimberlite District, located along the border with Wyoming, is the most productive diamond district in the entire United States. Now, if you’re also looking to mine a sparkling field of potential funders for your organization, where do you go for that? Right here on this web page!

You might think, “There are a lot of grantmakers here. Can we apply to all of them?” Unfortunately, you have to be very selective, just like a jeweler looking at raw diamonds. The skill to develop here is how to analyze the list carefully for specific funders who support your type of organization, then learn how to approach them. That can seem complicated at times, but we’re here to help!

We have top-notch trainers and coaches around the country providing workshops designed to guide you in developing those skills and in writing exceptional grant proposals. Our 5-day Grantsmanship Training Program is our industry-leading workshop. Check the listing below or click here on The Grantsmanship Center Training Programs to find our schedule.

Can’t attend a training in person? No problem! Just click below on “Read more” for additional online training resources along with three important steps to develop your new, grant-winning strategy.

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Questions? Contact: Gail Brauner: (213) 482-9860 X1




Below are links to elected officials, funding sources and other useful agencies for grant-seeking groups in Colorado. Please let us know about others that you feel would be helpful so that we can continue to improve this listing. Thanks!


Government Offices:

Governor Jared Polis - (303) 866-2471, Denver, CO

Senator Michael Bennet - (202) 224-5852, Washington, DC

Senator John Hickenlooper - (202) 224-5941, Washington, DC

Attorney General Phil Weiser - (720) 508-6000, Denver, CO

If you’d like to contact your other elected officials, click here on Colorado State & Federal Officials.

Colorado Department of Human Services - Colorado has a state-supervised and county-administered human services system. Under this system, county departments are the main provider of direct services to Colorado’s families, children, and adults.

Colorado Department of Education - Through setting a clear vision for increasing student performance, CDE continually supports the advancement and improvement of the state’s education system to prepare all learners for success in a rapidly changing global workplace.

Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) - Last year more than 7,300 Americans of all ages and backgrounds met local needs, strengthened communities, and expanded economic opportunity through national service in Colorado. If you’re looking for volunteers and/or applying for planning grants through AmeriCorps Colorado, Senior Core or their related services, this is place to start your search.


Nonprofit Services:

AFP Colorado Chapter - AFPCC is a membership organization committed to advancing philanthropy by offering resources and creating opportunities to help fundraising professionals be the best they can be. AFPCC provides educational luncheons, Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute (an annual fundraising conference held in Breckenridge), coffee chat, networking happy hours, and National Philanthropy Day in Colorado. They also offer opportunities for volunteering, sponsor special events, and much more. Help make AFP CO work for you! Contact them at to learn more and get involved!

Arts for Colorado - AFC is a non-partisan, statewide nonprofit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to improving the climate for creative industries throughout the state, facilitating advocacy for Colorado’s arts and culture, and preserving and expanding state-level public- and private-sector support for the arts.

Boulder County Arts Alliance - BCAA acts as a catalyst to incubate, stimulate and sustain a thriving arts community in Boulder County. The Alliance carries out part of its mission by providing funding for individual artists and organizations. Funding is available for all arts disciplines, including: visual arts, theatre, dance, music, storytelling, film, literature, book arts, and more!

Colorado Creative Industries - CCI believes in the power of creativity to inspire human connections, create social change and support economic vibrancy throughout Colorado. We believe in the practice of creation, the artists and entrepreneurs who contribute to our rich culture and the benefits of our creative economy. We support and encourage the innovators, creators, change-makers and dreamers who improve our quality of life and make Colorado creative. We focus on strengthening the vitality of visual, performing and literary arts through promotion, resources and funding opportunities. CCI is a division of the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade, based in Denver.

Colorado Nonprofit Association - CNA’s mission is to lead, serve and strengthen Colorado’s nonprofit community to improve the quality of life throughout the state. In doing so, CNA acts as the collective voice of Colorado’s nonprofit sector and a statewide membership organization helping nonprofits fulfill their mission to make Colorado a better place to live. Members have access to resources such as pro bono legal assistance, education in a number of areas, and publications at reduced or no cost. Offices are located in Denver and Colorado Springs.

Community Resource Center - Check this out!! There are some powerful opportunities here: CRC creates opportunities, tools and strategies to develop nonprofits and community groups to strengthen Colorado. The Center is a mission-driven nonprofit that offers a continuum of services throughout the state. It offers The Colorado Grants Guide®, the state’s leading online tool for grant funding research. This comprehensive resource guide contains over 780+ profiles of local foundations and trusts, corporations, national funders, and government agencies that support Colorado nonprofit organizations. The searchable database allows grantseekers to research funders and provides critical information like giving interests, application criteria, guidelines, deadlines, and past grantee information. CRC also offers The Common Grant Application and Common Grant Report that allow Colorado grantmakers and grantseekers to work from a common set of questions that reinforce solid nonprofit practices. At the same time, the CGA and CGR save grantseekers time and effort by enabling them to use a single form for many different applications and reports. Please be aware that grantmakers may accept one of these forms but not both. Learn which grantmakers accept which form(s). Other services include: Nonprofit Legal Resources with links to a nonprofit law blog, nonprofit-related legal FAQs, and attorneys for arts-oriented nonprofits and community groups; and Nonprofit Start-Up Resources.


Colorado Community Foundations:

Have you checked out your local Community Foundation yet? This is one potential funder who knows the needs of your community in great detail, and who will want to learn how your organization fits within the local service network. Each Community Foundation is entirely unique, but their general goal is to recruit donors and their contributions, then help distribute those dollars to local nonprofits, schools, artists, churches and other groups. Click here on Colorado Community Foundations to see a list of them and the geographic areas they serve, or simply click on the specific Foundation names below.

Want to learn more about Community Foundations before approaching your nearest one for funding, or learn about their other resources? Click here on What’s a Community Foundation? Remember, research and insight are key to developing a successful Letter of Intent (LOI) and proposal writing approach.

Aspen Community Foundation - Based in Basalt, ACF’s efforts have an impact in communities throughout the greater Roaring Fork and Colorado River valleys, including Aspen, Snowmass Village, Woody Creek, Basalt, El Jebel, Carbondale, Redstone, Marble, Glenwood Springs, New Castle, Silt, Rifle, Battlement Mesa and Parachute. The Foundation directs a collection of funds that have been created by individuals, families, nonprofits, businesses, and ACF itself for charitable purposes, awarding millions of dollars in grants to nonprofits from these funds. Donations to our community grantmaking funds allow ACF to continue to provide strong support to local nonprofit organizations that are making a critical difference for thousands of individuals and families in our region.

Broomfield Community Foundation - The services and activities of the Foundation are vital to our growing community…and, we want to assist in providing even more in the future! Our board, which is made up of a cross section of volunteer Broomfield citizens, along with our staff, constantly seek to identify new or changing issues and to find resources to address those needs. The Legacy Fund, the Wilkerson Scholarship Fund and the Rotary Fund have all been established to encourage and support our community. Visit our website for more details.

Chinook Fund - Based in Denver, CF supports grassroots organizations working on issues of social and economic justice; by pooling our collective resources, we seed groups making a positive, systemic impact to improve the quality of life for all Coloradans. Funding supports the most strategic work unfolding at the local level to address globalization, poverty, war, racism, environmental destruction, HIV/AIDS, sexual violence and immigration.

Community Foundation of Northern Colorado - Based in Fort Collins, CFNC serves as a community think tank, a catalyst for community projects, a service provider to philanthropists and nonprofit organizations, and a trusted steward of long-term and often complex gift arrangements. We manage and administer more than 500 charitable funds and over $110 million in assets (as of June 30, 2018).

Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley - Based in Gunnison, CFGV strengthens and enriches the community through engaged philanthropy, thoughtful grantmaking, strategic education, and collaborative leadership.

Community Foundation Boulder County - Based in Boulder, CFBC is a community catalyst that inspires ideas and ignites action to improve the quality of life in Boulder County. We make informed decisions to respond to immediate needs and anticipate future challenges. Grants are awarded in the areas of Animals & the Environment, Arts & Culture, Basic Needs, Children & Youth, Civic Engagement, Education, and Health & Human Services.

Community Foundation serving Southwest Colorado - Based in Durango, CFSC inspires hope, leadership, and generosity in the community by bringing economic stability, professional development, and collaboration to the nonprofit sector.

The Denver Foundation - As Colorado's oldest and largest community foundation, we help people give back to Metro Denver in ways that are meaningful -- to them and to the community. We steward the The Fund for Denver to meet the changing needs of the community now and for generations to come. The Community Endowment is made up of gifts from thousands of donors over the course of the Foundation's history. Earnings from the Endowment help local nonprofits through the Community Grants Program, Technical Assistance Grants, the Inclusiveness Project, and the Strengthening Neighborhoods Program.

The Grand Foundation - Based in Fraser, TGF seeks to improve the quality of life in Grand County by proactively addressing current and future needs in the areas of Health & Human Services, Arts & Culture, Education, Amateur Sports and Environment.

Pikes Peak Community Foundation - Based in Colorado Springs, we believe that our community will thrive if we consistently understand its greatest needs and address them with meaningful grants funded by well-managed charitable funds. Our vision is focused on inspired philanthropy that will create transformative results.

Rose Community Foundation - RCF works to enhance the quality of life of the Greater Denver community through its leadership, resources, traditions and values. The Foundation uses leadership, grantmaking and donor engagement to invest in strategic and innovative solutions to enduring problems and emerging issues.

Southern Colorado Community Foundation - Based in Pueblo, SCCF enhances the quality of life and promotes philanthropy across 18 southeastern counties through leadership, resources, grantmaking and traditions. Please note that our grant-application process has been moved to online-only submissions and reporting.

The Summit Foundation - Based in Breckenridge, The Foundation is our trusted local community foundation providing leadership and resources to assist local working families, resolve critical community issues and preserve the quality of life we all enjoy in our beautiful mountains. Through the generosity of more than 3,000 donors, nearly $30 Million has been contributed to Summit County and our neighboring communities over the past 35+ years.

Telluride Foundation - Since its inception in 2000, the Foundation has operated with one goal in mind: to improve the quality of life for those who live, work and visit our community. The Foundation does this by developing and supporting initiatives and making direct investments that maximize benefit to all, nurturing self-reliance, and creating meaningful change. We’ve made it our mission to build a philanthropic network not just for Telluride, but the entire region. We’re a network committed to transparency, excellence, and providing the highest level of charitable impact possible.

Trinidad Community Foundation - Based in Trinidad and serving all of Las Animas County, TCF builds permanent and non-permanent funds through gifts contributed from many donors. From these funds, TCF makes grants and engages in community leadership activities to address a wide variety of current and long-term needs. TCF seeks to enhance and develop the quality of life in our community by leading and forming partnerships for health and wellness, education, recreation, and historic preservation projects, as well as encouraging communication in the community.

Weld Community Foundation - Based in Greeley, WCF is dedicated to building a community of givers who provide a permanent source of money available for charitable investments throughout Weld County. The Foundation works to strengthen the local nonprofit sector, and takes leadership positions on critical issues in the region.

Western Colorado Community Foundation - Based in Grand Junction, WCCF works with community-minded donors who share a connection with western Colorado. WCCF is a collection of many different charitable funds – over 230 – each separately accounted for and with its own purpose as described by the donors who establish the funds.  Through these funds, WCCF annually awards nearly $2.5 million in grants and scholarships throughout the seven counties it serves.

Yampa Valley Community Foundation - Based in Steamboat Springs, YVCF provides leadership in raising funds, in partnership with community members, to support innovative programs benefiting the Yampa Valley community. It is the primary source for philanthropic resources and education for both donors and nonprofit organizations in Northwest Colorado.


United Ways of Colorado:

All United Way organizations around the country are dedicated to supporting projects within the four main areas of Health, Education, Financial Stability and Disaster Recovery of Individuals. While they share this common focus, each UW chapter also provides funding and support for programs customized to the needs of its home area. To find out more about a specific UW and its resources and nonprofit funding opportunities, please click on the links below:

Mile High United Way - City of Denver; Counties of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties

Moffat County United Way - City of Craig; Moffat & Rio Blanco Counties

Pikes Peak United Way - City of Colorado Springs; El Paso and Teller Counties

Pueblo County United Way - City of Pueblo; Pueblo County

Routt County United Way - City of Steamboat Springs; Routt County

United Way of Battlement to the Bells - City of Rifle; Garfield County

United Way of Eagle River Valley - City of Edwards; Eagle County

United Way of Larimer County - City of Larimer; Larimer County

United Way of Mesa County - City of Grand Junction; Mesa County

United Way of Morgan County - City of Fort Morgan; Morgan County

United Way of Southwest Colorado - City of Durango; Counties of Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma and San Juan

United Way of Weld County - City of Greeley; Weld County


Let's Talk About the Problem, Part 1

The heart of program planning is problem analysis. Problem analysis includes the definition of the problem along with why it is happening. As you design a program, clear analysis of the problem leads logically to the outcomes (objectives) of the program. And understanding the causes of the problem gives direction for the approach (methods).

Do Not Fear Outcomes

The whole purpose of community programs is to make a change for the better. How much better? That is the Outcome or the measurable result of your work. However, sometimes talking about the results or outcomes of your program can make people nervous. “How well did we do? I’m afraid to ask.”

Supplement vs. Supplant

One of the keys to successful grant proposal writing is understanding the vocabulary used. You’ll avoid problems down the road if you fully understand the funder’s requirements from the outset. Case in point: we’ve heard of confusion about the terms supplement and supplant. They sound similar but have very different meanings.

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