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Where can I learn more about local funding sources?

Where can I learn more about local funding sources?
A few suggestions:
- Check out our State Grant Resources page.
- Most states have an association of nonprofit organizations. Check out this map at the National Council of Nonprofits to find the one for your state. They may be able to provide you with information about funders that focus on your geographic area.
- Visit a library that is part of the Candid Community Partners (previously the Funding Information Network of the Foundation Center). Network sites provide free access to the Foundation Center’s funder research database and provide helpful materials and services.
- Create a free account on GuideStar. Browse their database of private and corporate-sponsored foundations’ 990 tax forms to see what types of organizations and projects they fund.
- Purchase a yearly membership to GrantStation. They profile funders that accept inquiries, including foundations, corporate giving programs, faith-based grantmakers, association grant programs, giving circles, & more.
- Look into state, county, and local government sources. Often near-to-you government departments make grants with money they receive from tax revenues, other allocations, or money passed through from the federal government. Unfortunately, these opportunities are seldom well catalogued in a searchable database. You’ll probably need to do some digging and networking to find them.